Moonly weekly progress update #51 - Happy birthday Moonly!

Moonly weekly progress update #51 - Happy birthday Moonly!

Happy birthday Moonly!

One year ago, on May 26th, we successfully crashed Magice Eden's website and minted it out. I will never forget those moments.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. Which means we are here for long-term goals. One year passed quickly, and another will as well. Right now, at this moment, we are preparing for better days, so when they come, we will be there and ready.

Here is a short bullet list of what is next:

  • Make an upgrade on our SaaS, to support pNFTs and help Kaimana guys solve their issue
  • Finish the WL flow that we have building "secretly" for the last few weeks. We gonna use it for our own purpose, but I believe other projects will want that because it's gonna be super funny, unique, and useful. More on that later, and you gonna help us test.
  • Work on Moonly Discord bot, to support new features. Like SPL tokens, but also different blockchains. The future is cross-chain.
  • Finalize and release our Raffle platform.
  • Role-based functionality, which means to wrap all our tools in packages, for easier onboarding of our future partners and clients.
  • Finalize the Sniper bot. We have a functional version, but since some emerging things popped up, we needed to put it on the side.
  • Integrate new UI/layout to enhance the UX (user experience) and SEO presence. This is for a long-term goal.
  • We are also working on a few side projects related to Moonly. Twitter Spaces Giveaway, "Secret tool 2"and some more experiments.
  • Come back to the portfolio tracker and utilize the big DB, so we can display more valuable data for collections and wallets.

Weekly devs progress:

  • Updated Moonly bot API routers to retrieve collections
  • Started working on saving announcement settings
  • Designing a database more efficiently
  • Twitter API experiments and discussion
  • Working on database changes on Discord announcements
  • Working on the frontend part for Announcement-Settings
  • Prepared backend for Announcement catcher
  • Work on restrictions - (locking down some features for Visitors, Users, Non-Holders, etc)
  • Fixing UI for users' package
  • Testing functionalities for User packages on the test server
  • Synchronizing the data from Moonly to the Big DB

Holder Verification Bot (HVB):

  • Researched dynamic role creation and tested it
  • Stats and Sale scrapers overhaul in progress
  • Prepared backend for auto-generating rules creation
  • Created the frontend part of auto-generating rules
  • Fixed edit cache issue rule
  • Resolved z-index issue at Select component
  • Fixed bot API issue for a specific chain

Twitter Space Giveaway:

  • Found a problem in database design & made the Twitter space giveaway resolver from scratch
  • Fixed a few bugs while working with the backend resolver of twitter-space-giveaway
  • Building the front end of the twitter-space-giveaway feature
  • Converted the CSS to tailwind CSS of Twitter space giveaway front-end
  • Converting design of Twitter space giveaway
  • Fixing front-end react bug

Check out our latest blog posts:

Upcoming NFT collections:

Minted projects worth mentioning: