Moonly weekly progress update #27
Here I recorded a video and talking in details about what we did in the previous week, and where we are going and what this will mean for Moonly.
I highly suggest watching this video: (btw when I say beer 🍺 , I mean bear 🐻 lol ^^). Btw video have chapters, so you can skip directly to the parts you are interested.
Weekly Moonly progress
- Improving and reorganizing the whole database
- Portfolio tracker development-integrating the new logic of calculating data
- Improving the RPC-proxy: Make RPC-proxy compatible with Solana/web3 package
- Created our own image proxy service; NFT images from the moonly server are now reduced and optimized
- Added testing suite for testing all the marketplace data on live-feed
- Newly added Hyperspace parsing Logic and unit test on live-feed
- Newly added Hadeswap parsing Logic and unit test live-feed
- Added ExchangeArt parsing logic live-feed
- Added Tensor parsing logic and unit test live-feed
- Added New Marketplaces in the Live-Feed sidebar filter
- Marketplaces will be available in a volume chart
- Added logger for blockchain events for internal debugging
- Fixed a bug related to showing failed Tx in the live feed
- Now we are showing events from newly added marketplaces in Live Feed
- Minor UI changes
- Working on a locking system for the staking feature
- Added Market Cap in the Market Stats table.
- Added % listed column in the market table.
- Improved the small charts in the market stats table, so to reflect the 7-day FP trend. If the FP % is down, the chart will be red or green if it's up.
- Added live-feed widget on the homepage, so new visitors can discover it easily
- Added a cool shiny effect on the Featured projects box to attract more views and clicks.
- We started working on the Token creation tool
- Started working on Staking as a service, so not just we gonna have our locking/staking for Moonly, but other projects will be able to create their own staking and apply token rewards.
- Constantly improving and exploring different aspects of application.
- To mention that we defined Twitter Growth Strategy, which we started applying the last week.
There were a lot of small bugs and small fixes which needed to be solved, and they are not worth mentioning here since its very technical.
Our next big goals for the near future are:
- Portfolio tracker
- Staking as a service
- Discord bot and tools for projects
- Expand to other chains. ETH, APTOS, etc.
- And something really big, which I will not discuss until we deliver the above-mentioned features.
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