Announcement #22 - Upgrades on the backend, RPC, event listener and Live feed
A lot of upgrades on the backend, RPC and event listener. We spent so much time to be sure we are not missing any event. Still need a lot of testing, but we will do most of tests when we deploy to production and when you start using it.
The live-feed homepage is also improved, with virtualized table that doesn't freeze your browser, and some filters funcionality.
A more to come, but hopefully we can release the first life-feed version to the production next week 🤞. We will give our best.
Meanwhile more things are cooking, slowly but steady. There will need a lot of organization/communication on growth side. That will come as well, its inevitable.
Also, since life-feed feature brings new changes to our UI, we need to rethink and add it careful, make sure its responsive for other devices, then just big screens. We will do some basic version in first release, and after that slowly tweak it and upgrade for other devices.
Autumn 🍂 is coming, rains and cold days. So it's a good time for work and business. Let's see how this quarter will be.
Peace to @everyone ☮️